The VISD Education Foundation is proud to highlight Angel Lucy’s Funeral Home and their profound generosity (estimated at $36,000), which culminated during phase II- the shoe try-on and distribution event held on Saturday, August 5. Phase I – qualification, registration, and shoe measurements took place on July 19. As a result of this initiative, the Foundation was able to outfit our students ages 3-18 just in time for the start of school! Such generosity breathes life into the needs of our VISD community and (we hope) inspires others in our area to be encouraged to come alongside our kiddos as the need and opportunity arise.  

A great big thank you to everyone in VISD for facilitating our request for confidential internal communications and to all the volunteers (Education Foundation Board and the DeLeon Club) who gave their time to make this outreach possible.  

Visit this article featured on the front page of the Victoria Advocate to read more.